CAN bus CTU FEE Projects
The list of CAN bus related projects at Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague
The VHDL open-source CAN FD core project.
Project pages:
Documentation and testing:
- CTU CAN FD Core Datasheet Documentation
- CTU CAN FD Core System Architecture Documentation
- CTU CAN FD Driver Documentation (Linux mainline)
- The Core coverage by included test framework
- Results of automatic test against test framework
- Results of automatic build by Xilinx Vivado and tests on Zynq-7000 MicroZed board
Integration with FPGA SoCs and boards
Integration with Zynq-7000 system -
Integration with Intel EP4CGX15 based DB4CGX15 PCIe board -
Integration with Cyclone V 5CSEMA4U23C6 based DE0-Nano-SoC Terasic board -
Articles and Presentations
Ille, O.; Novák, J.; Píša, P.; Vasilevski, M.: CAN FD open-source IP core, In: CAN Newsletter 3/2022, PDF, CAN in Automation, 2022
CTU CAN FD presented at Workshop CAN in Satellites, CAN in Automation, 2023, slides 35 to 49
OpenCores SJA-1000 FD Tol
OpenCores SJA-1000 controller modified to ignore CAN FD frames which allows it to coexists and send frames on network with CAN FD traffic. The core is packed as a Xilinx Vivado component.
Project pages:
CAN Bus Channels Mutual Latency Testing
Project done in cooperation with Voklswagen Research and SocketCAN Author Oliver Hartkopp.
Description of the project boards, hardware and VHDL desig.
CAN/CAN FD Latency Tester utility
Daily Test Results with current mainline Linux kernel and linux-rt-devel (for-kbuild-bot/current-stable) RT varinat on MZ_APO configured with CTU CAN FD IP core.
Articles and Presentations
Píša, P.; Hronek, P.: CAN Bus in Control, Automotive and Satellites, RedHat DevConf CZ 2023, Brno, 2023, (Video)
Píša, P.; Hronek, P.; Vasilevski, M.; Novák, J.: Continuous CAN Bus Subsystem Latency Evaluation and Stress Testing on GNU/Linux-Based Systems, In: embedded world Conference 2024. Haar: WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH, 2024. p. 77-82. ISBN 978-3-645-50199-6. (Slides)
CAN/CAN FD Subsystem and Drivers for RTEMS
- RTEMS CAN FD Project Sources (in RTEMS mainline)
- RTEMS CAN FD Documentation - Manual (in RTEMS mainline)
- RTEMS CAN FD Source Documentation
- RTEMS Real Time Operating System
Articles and Presentations
Lenc, M.; Píša, P.: Scheduling of CAN frame transmission when multiple FIFOs with assigned priorities are used in RTOS drivers, international CAN Conference, CAN in Automation, 2024. (Slides)
Lenc, M.: CAN FD Support for Space Grade Real-Time RTEMS Executive, Master's Thesis, CTU, 2024
List of more CTU FEE CAN projects
- LinCAN driver (PDF document)
- OCERA CANOpen framework - OCERA CANopen User Guide
- OrtCAN - Open/OCERA real-time CAN components - offshoot of original OCERA project. Project related notices by PavelPisa
- Benchmarks of LinCAN and Socketcan drivers
- Benchmarks of SocketCAN-based gateway
- SocketCAN and queueing disciplnes (technical report, PDF)
- LIN-bus support and tools for Linux and SocketCAN (sllin, etc.) GitHub repository
- CAN hardware emulation in QEMU, CAN for QEMU presentation and related GitLab repository integrated into mainline DOC
- Simulink Blocks for CAN bus Support under Linux
- Performance evaluation of Linux CAN-related system calls (example code)
- Linux-Based CAN-Ethernet Gateway
- Diploma and other theses related to CAN bus at CTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Pavel Pičman: Mobile CAN bus analyzer, 2005 (PDF CZ)
- Miroslav Černý: Communication CAN in vehicle, 2005 (PDF CZ)
- Stanislav Marek: Embedded Device with CANopen Communication Protocol, 2006 (PDF CZ)
- Jan Benda: CANOpen Communication for a Mobile Robot, 2008 (PDF CZ)
- Martin Petera: LinCAN driver for Renesas HCAN2, 2007 (PDF CZ)
- Martin Petera: Implementation of the LinCAN Driver for the PowerPC Platform and LinCAN-SocketCAN Evaluation, 2010 (PDF CZ)
- Miloš Gajdoš: CAN bus communication protocol support and monitoring, 2008 (PDF EN)
- Marek Peca: Two-legged robot, 2008 (PDF CZ)
- Jan Kříž: Implementation of USB-CAN converter support for LinCAN driver, 2008 (PDF CZ) (Git)
- Jiří Zemánek: CAN board with Renesas H8S/2638 microcontroller, 2006 (PDF CZ) HW Zoo Board documentation
- Lukáš Hamáček: RTW target for Linux with CANOpen support, 2009 (PDF EN), part of Libor Waszniowski lead projects
- Tomáš Barák: Remote access to CAN bus over Ethernet, 2010 (PDF) (Git)
- Košarko Martin: CAN BUS analyzer with Ethernet interface, 2012 (PDF CZ)
- Semmler Ondřej: Firmware of USB/CAN Gateway, 2012 (PDF CZ)
- Jiří Vaněk: CAN Bus to USB Converter for GNU/Linux, 2012 (PDF) (LinCAN Devel Git, branch lpc17xx) (SocketCAN converter support, branch vanekjir)
- Fridrich Ivan: Tools for CANopen dictionaries and their integration into embedded systems, 2012 (PDF) (qCANalyzer) (qCANalyzer Git)
- Ondřej Kulatý: Message authentication for CAN bus and AUTOSAR software architecture, 2015 (PDF EN)
- Martin Jeřábek: FPGA Based CAN Bus Channels Mutual Latency Tester and Evaluation, 2016 (PDF EN) (CAN-BENCH_Schematics)
- Martin Prudek: Enhancing Raspberry Pi Target for Simulink to Meet Real-Time Latencies, 2017 (PDF EN)
- Fitz Karel: Extension of the Existing CAN Controller for FD Standard, 2017 (PDF CZ)
- Martin Hofman: Time-Triggered Scheduler Implementation in Distributed Safety-Critical Control System, 2017 (PDF CZ)
- Martin Jeřábek: Open-source and Open-hardware CAN FD Protocol Support, 2019 (PDF EN)
- Jan Charvát: Model of CAN FD Communication Controller for QEMU Emulator, 2020 (PDF EN)
- Jaroslav Beran: Firmware for Control Module of an Intelligent Vehicle, 2020 (PDF EN)
- Jan Charvát: NuttX RTOS CAN Bus Driver for Espressif ESP32C3, 2022 (PDF EN)
- Matěj Vasilevski: CAN Bus Latency Test Automation for Continuous Testing and Evaluation, 2022 (PDF EN)
- Pavel Hronek: CAN Bus Latency Test Automation for Continuous Testing and Evaluation, 2023 (PDF EN)
- Other related project realized at Department of Control Engineering